Hotel Arłamów, Ustrzyki Dolne


Tarnica (1346.2 m).The highest peak of the Polish Bieszczady Mountains and of the Sub-Carpathian voivodship, rising at the edge of mountain meadows (poloniny), in the group of the so called nest of Tarnica and Halicz.

It is one of the tops of the Crown of Polish Mountains. In 1987, a 7m cross and a plaque were placed on the top of Tarnica to commemorate the visit of rev. Karol Wojtyła on 5 August 1953. When it broke in spring 2000, on 2 September, a new steel cross was installed (ca 8.5 m, and 500 kg). Tarnica is the most attractive viewpoint in the Polish range of Bieszczady. It offers a spectacular panorama of the near- est peaks of the Polish part of the Bieszczady: with clear sky we can see the Tatras, Gorgany, Mount Ostra Hora, and Polonina Równa.


83 km from the Hotel
90 min by car

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