Hotel Arłamów, Ustrzyki Dolne

Proximity to nature...

Allow yourself to relax in close proximity to nature. In Arlamow, we offer one of the most interesting forms of relaxation. Forest baths (Japanese: Shinrin-yoku), is a type of natural therapy originating in Japan, which brings scientifically proven benefits to the body.


... and deep relaxation

Find out why urban dwellers in particular should practice bathing and the invaluable benefits it brings.

What is forest bathing?

It is simply being in close proximity to nature, in peace and quiet, away from the phone or computer. One can hug a tree or lie down in a recliner. This therapy originated in the 1980s in Japan. Roger Urlich conducted research on it, while Dr. Qing Li delves into the issues of forest bathing in his book. “Shinrin-yoku. Art and Theory of Forest Bathing”

Try forest bathing if....

• czujesz niepokój, przygnębienie, 

• jesteś w depresji,

• masz zaburzenia snu,

• żyjesz w stresie, 

• chcesz wzmocnić odporność organizmu,

• masz problemy z nadciśnieniem,

• zależy ci na lepszej koncentracji i pamięci,

• potrzebujesz głębokiego relaksu,

• mieszkasz w mieście (jesteś o 40% bardziej narażony na zachorowanie na depresję).

Healing effects of the forest

The beneficial effects of trees and plants are due primarily to essential oils, which have antifungal and antibacterial effects. Our mind is also soothed by birdsong, which through its variable composition simultaneously relaxes and stimulates the listener.

How to do it?

The most important part of bathing is to use all your senses. You can walk around or lie down comfortably in a hammock, you can close your eyes and listen to the birds singing. We have prepared instructions to help you prepare and take a bath the right way.

Forest bathing in Arlamow

The forest bathing area in Arlamow is located next to the golf course, for your convenience we have prepared a map. If you have any additional questions, please contact the Concierge (tel. +48 532 178 021). We wish you pleasant relaxation!

Forest bathing...

are more than a walk in the woods. It's truly immersing yourself in it, savoring the smells, sounds and landscapes. 
It's being attentively among nature 
and truly being with yourself. 

Forest therapy has invaluable benefits for physical 
and mental health. You can indulge in it on the grounds of the Arłamow hotel, where a section of forest in the cleanest corner of Poland has been made available especially for this purpose. 

Did you know that...

forest bathing improves attention and immunity, normalizes blood pressure and heart rate, and lowers levels of the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol?

Did you know that...

spokojny, głęboki oddech przy użyciu przepony zmniejsza poziom napięcia 
i pomaga walczyć ze stresem?

Did you know that...

forest bathing is not about burning calories, taking the right number of steps or covering a set distance?

Did you know that...

scents often bring us 
bring to mind different memories? 
Let yourself explore your surroundings,

having your nose as a guide.

Did you know that

being in the forest your senses are more sensitive

and you can experience the forest using all of them?

Czy wiesz, że...

no organism exists separately in the forest? Everyone participates in the interconnecting web of life. 

You are part of it, too.

Did you know that...

the forest can be your friend?
One hectare of forest produces 700 kg of oxygen in 24 hours.

Did you know that...

by communing with the forest and deepening our attentiveness in experiencing nature, we enter into a therapeutic relationship with nature? 

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