Hotel Arłamów, Ustrzyki Dolne
The Route „In the Footsteps of the Good Soldier Schweik”

The Route „In the Footsteps of the Good Soldier Schweik”

The Trail „In the Footsteps of the Good Soldier Schweik” – an international tourist route for hikers and bikers, runs from the Czech Republic through Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland to Ukraine, featuring the places described by Jaroslav Hašek in his novel „Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik”.

The Polish part of the trail was officially opened in October 2004. It is marked with black-and-yellow signs, the colours of the Habsburgs. Along the route, there are 20 information boards and 80 boards where tourists can read quotations from Hašek’s novel (in the same colours).The Polish route is 105 km long and runs from Radoszyce to Krościenko along the Valley of the Osława and San Riv- ers, across the Słonne Mountains, leading to the Sanocko – Turczańskie range.The trail practically goes round the Bieszczady Mountains along the conventional geographical borders.

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